31 August, 2023

314a Andrew Liles Avant Garde

Here beings a five part overview of Andrew Liles' work.  He has released so many albums I honestly cannot keep up, and I know my collection has some critical gaps.  While uploading these mixes, I found Spotify to be not worth the effort.  A quick search there yielded only three albums.  YouTube was better, though not enough of what I wanted to share was available.  I am hoping that these five mixes help introduce him to a new audience, or give existing fans of his work a nice reminder of the diversity of his catalog.

This first overview is focused on his unique, avant garde stylings.  Sure, most of his output falls into that category.

00:00  To Maim a Donkey Part 1 (Black Widow)
00:50  Untitled (Nocturne) (Prelude To An Un World)
02:25  Tawny (Black Mamba)
03:28  All Doors Open By Colin Potter (In My Father's House Are Many Mansions)
09:24  Cheap Red Plonk (Miscellany 1)
10:27  A Life More Ordinary (All Closed Doors)
12:48  The Bombardier Sings (Tubercular Bells)
15:21  You Should Have Told Me First (Tubercular Bells)
17:20  Time Travel Promenade (Black Pool)
18:34  The Pleasure Tract of Medial Forebrain Bundle (Gazogene Machines)
21:39  Haulage (Miscellany 1)
24:02  Brazil (Miscellany 1)
28:17  Lifestyle To Accommodate Beard (Black Mamba)
30:33  As on a Dung Hill (Black End)
33:27  Quicksand Mud Slide (Black Widow)
38:32  Heartworms (The Flesh Creeping Gonzoid Speciality Offal & Choice Cuts Disc 1)
42:22  Black Mamba Dub (Black Mamba)
46:28  Guinea Pigs (Ouarda (The Subtle Art of Phyllorhodomancy))
48:41  The Auto Spirit & Familiar Phantoms (Black Sheep)
51:01  All Closed Doors (All Closed Doors)
58:51  RC (RC)
69:23  A Cold Spring In Summerland (My Long Accumulating Discontent)
71:32  An Un World (outro) (An Un World)

photo credit: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/875323195896860674/CCJNv6JD_400x400.jpg

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