A descent into madness over two hours. My longest mix to date, but that is because it takes time to unfold all this wonderful and bizarre music. I had so much fun compiling this one, and kept finding more tracks to add to it. Always looking for any reason to include Volcano the Bear and The Residents into a mix, this just grew with all those odd tracks I'd been saving for something special.
00:00 Volcano The Bear - Oslo Top
01:03 Narcophony - Hello Skinny (The Residents)
04:40 This Heat - Horizontal Hold
11:33 Brian Eno and David Byrne - Come With Us
13:55 John Zorn - Necronomicon: Though Forms
16:53 Squarepusher - Gong Acid
21:31 Jean Guerin - Ca Va Lecomte
26:13 Volcano The Bear - My Favorite Tongues
30:08 Simon Finn - Very Close Friend
31:18 Kemialliset Ystavat - Antihistamiinimatkaaja
32:56 Mushroom's Patience - Hostaria Disco Dance
36:08 The Residents - Act of Being Polite
37:06 3/4 Had Been Eliminated - ShiftingPositionDubRedux
41:37 Section 25 - Girls Don't Count (The Critical Mix by Renaldo and The Loaf)
48:25 The Darkening Scale - Boulder Buses
52:59 Tony Wakeford - 4 (Not All Of Me Will Die)
57:14 The Velvet Underground - Venus In Furs
62:18 The Mothmen - Tardis (Sweep Is Dead, Love Live Sweep)
64:56 The Residents - Smelly Tongues
66:37 The Focus Group - The Bohm Site
68:58 Meat Beat Manifesto - Radio Mellotron
70:06 The Residents - Moisture
71:04 Kava Kon & The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble - Palace of the Tiger Women
75:18 Primus - Sathington Waltz
76:52 The Residents - Love Leaks Out
77:51 Akineton Retard - Pista 6
80:30 Earthmonkey - Sister Marblegazer
85:10 Les Marquises - Only Ghosts (Volcano the Bear Mix with Aube "Pages From The Book" mixed overtop by accident)
91:49 Glaxo Babies - Seven Days
95:57 The Residents - Dimples and Toes
96:56 Battles - Prismism
97:47 Ocaso Epico - Sem Titulo
98:51 Kraftwerk - Taschenrechner (edit)
102:40 UR - Personae: Halloween
106:25 The Velvet Underground - I'm Sticking With You
108:45 Sex Pistols - Who Killed Bambi
111:33 Volcano The Bear - Here Are The Bounds
Photo credit: classic panel of Red Meat comic