Commenter ola ;p has been a great help identifying some of my tracks tagged as "unknown." These were files I've had for 20+ years mostly, and never had them properly identified so I'm pleased to put a name to the music after a long time. Here I've put together more to accommodate their offer to try and identify them. Nothing really groundbreaking in this set, however I'd sure like to know who some of them are to handle my intermittent Type A personality.
Here is the tracklist, including the file names I have. I've included some notes as appropriate.
1) A Cup of Coffee
2) smg (fairly certain this is from Silver Mountain Music group, former label run by HNIA)
3) LT Four Theme
3) LT Four Theme
4) Track 4 (not necessarily the fourth track on the respective album)
5) Chains
6) Burial Dance
7) The Great White Hype (definitely Danny Hyde, I assume a freebie/throwaway track so it's likely already identified as such)
8) unknown dub track
9) aa yt (I'd be willing to bet this was my CD-r drive failing while ripping the track and not an actual song)
10) bjzrk - Stickhausen8 (Pretty sure this is Stockhausen)
11) Seefeel - Morningdrop remxis (yes that typo is in the file name, also I'm a big Seefeel fan and this does legitimately sound like them, however I can't find it on any album, ep, comp or remix)
12) Dry Spell
13) FB-SB
14) untitled